Something unexpected can always happen which means that it is no longer possible to take part in a masterclass. As the organisers, we bear the costs for lecturers, accompanists, staff, maintenance of the academy building, food, etc., and have to protect ourselves, therefore we have stipulated in our terms and conditions, which everyone must accept upon registration, that a cancellation fee will be charged in the event of cancellation by a participant “for whatever reason”.

We also recommend taking out seminar insurance, similar to travel cancellation insurance, which not only reimburses our fees but also the travel costs in the event of illness, for example.

Cancellations due to illness or an accident, for example, are covered if a medical certificate confirms that participation in the masterclass is not possible. Cancellation is also covered in the event of termination for operational reasons or the commencement of a new permanent employment relationship (at least 15 hours, for at least 1 year). Freelance concert activities are unfortunately not accepted.

Seminar insurance from Ergo, for example, costs up to €1,000 for course fees, accommodation with meals and travelling expenses together €35.00. Information about the current tariffs can be found here (German).

Attention: Insurance in this form can only be taken out by Ergo Insurance until August 28, 2024!


In order to take out this insurance, the policyholder (not necessarily the insured person) must be resident in one of the following countries:
Germany, Belgium, Denmark, France, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Czech Republic, Austria
If this does not apply to you and you are still interested, please contact us.

Sum insured
In addition to the course fees, booked travel services such as outward and return journeys or accommodation can also be insured if they fall within the period from a maximum of 48 hours before the start to a maximum of 48 hours after the end of the seminar or the respective sub-event of the seminar series. Maximum sum insured 10,000 euros. (Sum insured = seminar price + travel price).


Closing date
On the day of booking, at the latest 30 days before the scheduled start of the seminar or the first insured travel service. For bookings made within 30 days before the start of the seminar, only on the day of booking, at the latest within the next three working days. In order to be covered from the outset in the event of cancellation, we recommend taking out insurance on the day of booking.